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In what ways is disinfection applied for Covid-19?

Coronavirus disinfection is carried out with approved disinfectants and through a portable electric nebulizer, which produces a high-speed, deep-penetration air solution. The chemical solution is dispersed through the device, based on water, and is introduced into the space in the form of cold fog (droplet size 0.5-30 Micro). Using the mentioned method, the entire volume of the space and the objects contained in it are evenly covered with the disinfectant – microbicidal preparation (special spraying machines).

The preparations to be used are approved by EOF and based on the list of EODY, where the manufacturer states that they act against viruses (including coronaviruses, SARS, H1N1, etc.). Their use is made according to the instructions for use of the preparation as defined by the manufacturing company in connection with the relevant approval by a competent Ministry. Coronavirus disinfection Coronavirus disinfection is applied in the following ways:

  • by spraying with a low pressure pump, to cover specific surfaces
  • or by nebulizing, for the total coverage of closed spaces

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