Purpose of rodenticide
The purpose of rodenticide is to eradicate mice and rats by preventing the transmission of infectious diseases (eg leptospirosis) and to prevent their recurrence as much as possible in various areas.
Methods of rodenticide
The most basic rodenticide method used to control rodents is the use of various baits, which contain specific active rodenticides.
Rodenticide with this method ensures not only the fight against the problem but also the non-creation of problems by the stench of dead mice. Different baits are usually placed to take advantage of the individual properties of each rodenticide.
‘Another method of rodenticide that can be used is that of laying tiles with a special glue that is used as a trap for rodents (mice).
The mouse is attracted to the smell of the glue and sticks to it without being able to escape. With this method, however, we can not avoid the existence of odor and for this it is used in special cases of mice.
Rodent bait stations
For the application of integrated Health Protection from mice, it is necessary to use myoktonia using bait stations where the mice are placed. This method ensures both the proper control of mice and the control of the presence of rodents. The bait stations:
Made of special plastic or metal they have special slots so that the medicine for the mice is not scattered in the space.
They have indications of their content and are numbered to make them easier to locate and control.
They are placed on a stable base.
Outdoors, bait killing stations are included in a zone layout for better control of the area.
Glue stations are used in the production and packaging areas as checkpoints for the presence of rodents. The stations are free of chemicals and equipped with glue to catch insects and rodents.
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